Lesson 8.Light from the Sanctuary | 8.6 Summary
8.6 Summary
The Sanctuary: Center of Redemption and Intercession
Lesson 8, “Light from the Sanctuary,” emphasizes the importance of Jesus’ ministry as the High Priest in the heavenly sanctuary. By considering Hebrews 10:9–14 and Hebrews 6:19–20, it becomes clear that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His subsequent intercession in the heavenly sanctuary are inseparably linked. While earthly priests had to offer repeated sacrifices, Jesus, through His single sacrifice, completely eliminated sin and paved the way for eternal reconciliation. His invitation to follow Him leads to a discovery of hope, security, and the significance of His mediatory service in the heavenly sanctuary. Judgment plays an essential role in the plan of salvation by revealing God’s justice and mercy and deciding the eternal fate of individuals. Overall, the lesson illustrates how Jesus’ service as our High Priest brings the light of salvation into our lives and reconciles us with God.
The connection between Jesus’ service for us in judgment and our daily lives and faith is fundamental. Jesus, as our High Priest, advocates for us by pointing to our repentance and faith and seeking forgiveness on our behalf. He presents us before God, arguing that we are marked and justified through Him, through His wounded hands and His sacrifice on the cross.
This reality should lead to humility and self-examination as we become aware that in God’s eyes, we are like people in dirty clothes. Those who truly seek cleansing and purification recognize their own sinfulness and place their hope in Christ as their only righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.
Therefore, our daily lives and faith are shaped by the acknowledgment of this truth. We should constantly be aware of the need to humble ourselves, confess our sins, and show genuine repentance while trusting in Christ as our sole advocate and Savior. This realization should lead us to a life characterized by humility, repentance, and trust in God’s grace as we rely on Christ as our mediator and redeemer.
God judges not by what we have been, but by what we could be if we follow His call.
1.What emotions are stirred by the thought of Jesus holding up His wounded hands for us before the Father? Why is this our only hope in judgment?
The idea of Jesus holding up His wounded hands for us before the Father evokes a variety of emotions within us. Firstly, we may feel gratitude as we consider Jesus’ willingness to sacrifice Himself for us and even present His own wounds before God. This notion can also evoke humility as we realize how much Jesus loves us and advocates for us, despite our imperfections and sinfulness. It can also inspire a sense of awe and admiration for Jesus’ sacrificial spirit and dedication.
This notion is our only hope in judgment because Jesus stands as our advocate before God. His wounded hands are a constant reminder of His love, His sacrifice, and His willingness to intercede for us. In judgment, we cannot rely on our own merits but only on the grace and mercy of God mediated through Jesus Christ. His intercession is our only hope that we can stand before God and experience His love and forgiveness.
2.We live on the Day of Atonement. Atonement is God’s work to save lost sinners. So why should a day dedicated to God’s work of saving sinners be good news?
The Day of Atonement is a day dedicated to God’s work of saving lost sinners. It is a day when God’s mercy and love are highlighted in a special way. This fact alone should be good news for us because it shows that God is actively working to save us and give us a new chance, despite our mistakes and sins.
The Day of Atonement is a reminder that God has not given up on us but is willing to forgive us and reconcile with us. It is a time of hope and comfort because we know that God loves us and offers us a chance to renew our relationship with Him.
Furthermore, the Day of Atonement shows that God’s saving work is an ongoing process that manifests even in our time. It is a day of promise and expectation that God continues to be with us to guide, teach, and redeem us.
Overall, the Day of Atonement is good news because it reminds us that God is faithful and never gives up on us. It is a time of hope and renewal that encourages us to hold onto God’s love and mercy, no matter how far we may have strayed from Him.
3.Consider what Ellen White wrote: “Christ alone can make an effectual plea for us. He is able to silence the accuser with arguments that are not to be repelled; for they are His own.” (Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, January 2, 1908). How can you make this hope your own?
The hope expressed in this statement is crucial for our faith and personal relationship with God. To make this hope our own, we can take several steps:
Believe in Christ as our Advocate: We should firmly believe that Jesus Christ is our only advocate before God. His sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection give us the assurance that He has the authority and power to intercede for us and protect us from accusations.
Trust in God’s grace and mercy: Instead of relying on our own merits, we should rely on God’s grace and mercy. We can trust that God forgives us out of love and accepts us when we come to Him in repentance and confess our sins.
Renew our relationship with Christ: By deepening our relationship with Christ and remembering His sacrifice on the cross daily, we can strengthen our hope in His intercession. Through prayer, reading the Bible, and fellowship with other believers, we can strengthen our connection to Christ and trust in His power as our advocate.
Live in accordance with God’s will: Finally, we can make this hope our own by striving to live a life that aligns with God’s will. By turning away from sin and striving for holiness, we demonstrate our trust in Christ and His ability to protect us from accusations.
By following these steps and consciously choosing to place our hope in Christ as our Advocate, we can have the assurance that we are justified and loved in God’s eyes.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-8-light-from-the-sanctuary-8-6-summary/
Lesson 8.Light from the Sanctuary | 8.5 Jesus, Our Advocate in the Judgment
8.5 Jesus, Our Advocate in the Judgment
The Immeasurable Grace: Jesus’ Intercession and Perfection
Read Hebrews 10:9–14. What difference between the service of the priest in the earthly sanctuary and the service of Jesus in the heavenly sanctuary does this passage reveal?
Differences between the earthly and heavenly priesthood:
Singular Sacrifice vs. Repeated Sacrifices:
Earthly Priest: The priests in the earthly sanctuary must perform their service daily and offer the same sacrifices repeatedly, which, however, can never completely take away sins (Verse 11).
Jesus: Christ offered a single, perfect sacrifice that once and for all took away sins (Verse 12).
Earthly Priest: The repeated sacrifices of the earthly priestly service are incapable of truly atoning for sins (Verse 11).
Jesus: Through His sacrifice, Jesus has definitively removed sins and sanctified believers forever (Verse 14).
Position and Perfection:
Earthly Priest: The priests serve daily and perform their duties without a final conclusion.
Jesus: After His sacrifice, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God, a sign of completion and authority. He waits for His enemies to be made a footstool for His feet (Verses 12–13).
Earthly Priest: The repeated sacrifices of the earthly priestly service could not ultimately sanctify people.
Jesus: Through His singular sacrifice, Jesus has perfected forever those who are being sanctified (Verse 14).
In summary:
The service of the earthly priests was characterized by repeated sacrifices that could not completely remove sins. In contrast, Jesus’ service in the heavenly sanctuary, through His singular sacrifice, has completely removed sin and sanctified believers forever. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God and acts as our advocate in judgment. This completion and ultimate sanctification through His sacrifice fundamentally distinguish Jesus’ heavenly priesthood from that of the earthly priests.
Read Hebrews 6:19–20. Why does Jesus invite us to follow Him? What do we discover when we follow Him?
Why does Jesus invite us to follow Him?
Jesus invites us to follow Him because He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). Through His death on the cross and His resurrection, He opened the way to reconciliation with God and gave us the opportunity to enter into His presence. He invites us to follow Him so that through Him, we may obtain redemption and eternal life.
What do we discover when we follow Him?
When we follow Jesus, we discover the hope that serves as a sure and steadfast anchor for our lives (Hebrews 6:19). Through faith in Jesus, we have access to a holy place behind the curtain, which represents the way to the throne of God. There, we can discover the light from the cross at Golgotha and gain a clearer insight into the mysteries of redemption. Jesus, our forerunner, has entered the heavenly sanctuary as the High Priest forever, to intercede for us and present our sincere desires before God.
When we follow Jesus, we also discover the significance of His mediation in the heavenly sanctuary. Through His intercession, we can receive the blessings of the atoning sacrifice and experience the perfect redemption He obtained through His sacrifice on the cross. His service in the heavenly sanctuary enables us to commune with God and be part of His eternal plan of salvation.
How does Christ’s death on the cross relate to His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary, and why is judgment so necessary for the plan of redemption?
Christ’s death on the cross and His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary are closely connected and play a central role in the plan of redemption.
Connection between the Crucifixion and Heavenly Intercession:
Crucifixion: Through His death on the cross, Jesus Christ defeated sin and death. His sacrifice was perfect and singular, enabling humanity’s redemption from the power of sin and the consequences of disobedience to God.
Heavenly Intercession: After His death, Jesus entered the heavenly sanctuary as the High Priest to intercede for us. His intercession means that He stands before God to represent our sins and grant us access to God’s grace and forgiveness. By constantly interceding for us, He mediates the blessings of His sacrifice on the cross and grants us the opportunity to be reconciled with God.
Necessity of Judgment in the Plan of Redemption:
Judgment is necessary to fulfill God’s justice and demonstrate His rule over sin and evil. It serves to give an account and reward those who have remained steadfast in faith in Christ, while also punishing those who have turned away from God.
Judgment reveals the final alignment of people’s hearts and determines their eternal destiny. It separates those who have faithfully served God from those who have chosen a life of rebellion against God.
Through judgment, the righteousness of God is revealed by justifying and redeeming those who believe in Christ and accept His offer of grace, while condemning those who turn away from Christ and reject His offer of grace.
Ultimately, judgment contributes to the full manifestation of God’s holy character and His immutable morality. It demonstrates His love for justice and His mercy toward those who turn to Him in repentance and faith.
Overall, Christ’s death on the cross and His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary are closely connected, and judgment is an essential part of the plan of redemption, revealing God’s justice, love, and mercy.
The connection between Christ’s death on the cross, His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary, and our daily lives and faith is fundamental:
Redemption and Forgiveness: The fact that Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins and now intercedes for us in the heavenly sanctuary has direct implications for our daily lives. We can live knowing that our sins are forgiven through Christ and that He represents us before God when we trust and believe in Him.
Hope and Security: When we follow and trust Jesus, we discover the hope and security that only He can offer. His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary gives us the assurance that we are justified before God and that our future is secure in His hands. This hope shapes our daily lives, providing us comfort and confidence amidst all challenges and difficulties.
Relationship with God: Through Jesus, we have access to an intimate relationship with God. His death on the cross and His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary enable us to live in communion with God and experience His love and mercy daily. This relationship shapes our daily lives, giving us direction and purpose.
Responsibility and Faithfulness: Knowing that Jesus died for us and intercedes for us before God, we are called to follow Him and remain faithful. Our daily lives should be characterized by gratitude and devotion as we strive to do God’s will and live a life that reflects His example.
Overall, the connection between Christ’s death on the cross, His intercession in the heavenly sanctuary, and our daily lives shows that our faith is not just an abstract belief but has a direct impact on our daily actions and our relationship with God. By following Jesus and trusting in His intercession, we can lead a life characterized by hope, security, and unconditional love.
The immeasurable grace: Jesus’ intercession and perfection demonstrate the difference between the earthly and heavenly priesthood.
Lesson 8.Light from the Sanctuary | 8.4 The Good News from the Most Holy Place
8.4 The Good News from the Most Holy Place
Redemption in the Most Holy Place: Invitation to Forgiveness and Obedience
Read Hebrews 4:14–16 and 10:19–22. What assurance and divine invitation are contained in these verses for each of us?
Jesus as Our High Priest:
Jesus, who has passed through the heavens, sits at the right hand of God and represents us as our High Priest. This gives us the assurance that we have a powerful and compassionate advocate in heaven.
Compassion for Our Weaknesses:
Jesus can have compassion on our weaknesses since he was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. This understanding strengthens our confidence that he understands our struggles and challenges.
Boldness to the Throne of Grace:
We are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace. This means that we can approach God without fear or shame to receive mercy and grace to help us in times of need.
Divine Invitation:
Entry into the Sanctuary:
Through the blood of Jesus, we have free access to the heavenly sanctuary. This new and living way was opened for us through his sacrifice. We are invited to utilize this access and enter into the presence of God.
Heart and Conscience Cleansed:
We are to draw near with a true heart and full assurance of faith. Our hearts are cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and our evil conscience is sprinkled, enabling us to appear before God in purity.
Continuous Access to God’s Grace:
The invitation to come boldly to the throne of grace is a constant invitation that we can avail ourselves of at any time. We are encouraged to seek God’s grace and mercy repeatedly.
Summary: What Paul says in the book of Hebrews is: “Hold fast” and “come with confidence.” Never give up and direct your faith to Jesus, our great High Priest. In Jesus, we have everything we need. Through faith, we can enter the heavenly sanctuary through the “new and living way” that Jesus has opened for us.
When we look into the courtyard, we see blood on the horns of the bronze altar. In the Holy Place, we see blood on the golden horns of the altar of incense. We see the sprinkled blood on the veil before the mercy seat.
The blood of Jesus prepares the way at every step. This gives us hope because we can only be reunited with God when Jesus forgives us and blots out our sins. God’s mercy is infinite, but so is his justice. Justice cannot accept Christ’s sacrifice as atonement for our transgressions unless Jesus guarantees to forgive us of our sins first and then blot them out.
Read Revelation 11:19. Why is this vision significant in the context of the Great Controversy? How does it demonstrate the inseparable connection between the Law and the Gospel?
Revelation 11:19: “And the temple of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.”
Significance of the Vision in the Context of the Great Controversy
This vision is of great significance in the context of the Great Controversy, which describes the conflict between good and evil, between Christ and Satan. Here are some aspects that illustrate this significance:
Revelation of the Heavenly Sanctuary:
The opening of the temple of God in heaven and the visibility of the ark of the covenant show that the heavenly sanctuary plays a central role in the divine plan of salvation. It emphasizes the reality and importance of the heavenly sanctuary, which is the place of divine presence and divine judgment.
God’s Law at the Center:
The ark of the covenant contains the Ten Commandments, God’s unchanging law. Its visibility in the heavenly sanctuary underscores the immutability and eternity of God’s law. This emphasizes that no earthly power can change this law.
Justice and Mercy United:
In the Most Holy Place, where the ark of the covenant is kept, God’s justice and mercy are united. Justice is represented by the observance of the law, while mercy is revealed through the atoning sacrifice of Christ.
The Great Controversy and the Law:
The Great Controversy involves the question of loyalty to God’s law. Satan has tried to undermine and change God’s law. The visibility of the ark of the covenant in heaven shows that God’s law remains valid and is at the center of the divine plan.
Inseparable Connection Between the Law and the Gospel
The vision demonstrates the inseparable connection between the Law and the Gospel in several points:
The Law as the Basis of the Covenant:
God’s law, kept in the ark of the covenant, is the basis of the new covenant, as described in Hebrews 8:10: “For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws into their minds, and write them on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” This shows that the law is anchored in the hearts of believers.
Forgiveness and Renewal through Christ:
Through faith in Christ, who has perfectly fulfilled the law and died for our sins, we find forgiveness and the power for renewal. Christ writes the law in our hearts, enabling us to live obedient lives. This shows the harmonious relationship between the law and the Gospel: the law shows us our need for redemption, and the Gospel provides the solution through Christ.
Complete Redemption:
In Hebrews 7:25, it says that Jesus “is able to save completely,” meaning he frees us both from the penalty of sin and from its power. This complete redemption includes forgiveness of past sins and the empowerment to live a new, obedient life. The Gospel fulfills the requirements of the law through the grace of Christ.
In conclusion, Revelation 11:19’s vision highlights the central role of God’s law in the great controversy and the close connection between the law and the Gospel. While God’s law remains immutable in the ark of the covenant, the Gospel through Christ provides the means to fulfill the law and redeem humanity. This is a strong message of hope and encouragement for all believers.
Why is Jesus’ intercession such incredibly good news? If we were to stand before the law as the standard of righteousness, what hope would we have without the Gospel?
Jesus’ intercession is incredibly good news for several important reasons:
Jesus as Our High Priest and Advocate
Hebrews 4:14-16 and 10:19-22 emphasize that Jesus is our High Priest who is familiar with our humanity and was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. He understands our weaknesses and intercedes for us before God. Through his intercession, we can approach the throne of grace with confidence, knowing that Jesus hears and understands our prayers.
Forgiveness and Cleansing
Through his intercession, Jesus grants us forgiveness and cleansing from our sins. Without his mediation, we would be hopelessly lost before the holy and just law of God. But through his sacrifice and ongoing intercession, we can find forgiveness for our past sins and live in a renewed relationship with God.
Access to God
Jesus has opened the “new and living way” through which we have access to God. His blood has paved the way so that we can approach God directly and confidently. This access was reserved only for the high priest once a year in the Old Testament, but through Jesus, it is now available to every believer at any time.
Righteousness Through Faith
Without the Gospel, we would have no hope of fulfilling the righteous standard of the law, as all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The Gospel proclaims that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ. His righteousness is imputed to us, allowing us to stand righteous before God.
Liberation from the Power of Sin
The Gospel offers us not only forgiveness but also the power to live a new life. Through the Holy Spirit whom Jesus sends, we are empowered to overcome sin and live in holiness.
Conclusion: Hope and Assurance through the Gospel
If we were to stand before the law as the standard of righteousness, we would have no hope without the Gospel, for we have all sinned and deserve God’s just judgment. But the Gospel proclaims that Jesus died for our sins and through His resurrection and intercession, He gives us new life. His intercession means that we do not need to be justified by our own works, but by His accomplished victory over sin. This gives us hope and confidence that despite our imperfections, we can stand in the presence of a holy God.
Key Bible Passages on Jesus’ Intercession and Hope in the Gospel
Hebrews 4:14-16: “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Hebrews 10:19-22: “Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.”
Through these Bible passages and the message contained therein, we understand that Jesus’ intercession is our only hope to stand before the law as the standard of righteousness. His intercession grants us forgiveness, access to God, righteousness through faith, and the power to walk in a new life. This is the good news of the Gospel!
The connection between Jesus’ intercession and the assurance described in the book of Hebrews with our everyday life and faith is profound and practical. Here are some key aspects of how these teachings can influence our daily lives:
Certainty and Trust in God’s Presence
Jesus as Our High Priest
Meaning: Jesus, who has passed through the heavens and sits at the right hand of God, represents us as our High Priest. This gives us the assurance that we have a powerful and compassionate advocate in heaven.
Daily Life: We can pray with confidence and assurance, knowing that Jesus hears and understands our prayers. This gives us courage and peace in difficult situations, knowing that we are not alone.
Compassion for Our Weaknesses
Meaning: Jesus can have compassion for our weaknesses because He was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin.
Daily Life: This understanding strengthens our trust that He understands our struggles and challenges. In moments of weakness and temptation, we can rely on His help and compassion.
Access to God’s Grace and Mercy
Boldness to Approach the Throne of Grace
Meaning: We are invited to come boldly to the throne of grace to receive mercy and help in times of need.
Daily Life: This invitation allows us to seek God’s help at any time and in any situation, whether through prayer, fellowship with other believers, or reading the Bible. It fosters a close and trusting relationship with God.
Cleansing and Renewal
Purification of Heart and Conscience
Meaning: We are to approach with a sincere heart and full assurance of faith. Our hearts are cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and our consciences are sprinkled clean.
Daily Life: This awareness of cleansing and forgiveness motivates us to live a life of purity and holiness. It encourages us to let go of old habits and sins and to live in renewal through the Holy Spirit.
Obedience and a New Life in Christ
Continuous Access to God’s Grace
Meaning: The invitation to come boldly to the throne of grace is a continual invitation that we can avail ourselves of at any time.
Daily Life: We are encouraged to continually seek God’s grace and mercy. This means living daily in dependence on God’s strength and guidance, regularly examining ourselves, and repenting.
Connection with Revelation 11:19
Revelation of the Heavenly Sanctuary and God’s Law
Meaning: The opening of the temple of God in heaven and the appearance of the ark of the covenant show that the heavenly sanctuary and God’s law are at the center of the divine plan of salvation.
Daily Life: This vision reminds us that God’s law and the Gospel are inseparably linked. Our obedience to God’s commandments is not only a duty but also a response to His grace and love.
Hope through Jesus’ Intercession
Righteousness by Faith: Without the Gospel, we would have no hope of fulfilling the righteous standard of the law. But the Gospel proclaims that we are justified by faith in Jesus Christ.
Practical Application: This hope motivates us to trust Jesus in all areas of life, to seek His way, and to follow Him. We recognize that through His grace and intercession, we are able to lead a fulfilled and sanctified life.
Strength and Support in Daily Life
Freedom from the Power of Sin: The Gospel offers us not only forgiveness but also the power to live a new life.
Practical Application: Through the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus, we are empowered to overcome sin and live in holiness. This affects our daily decisions, behavior, and relationships with others.
Overall, the message of Hebrews and Revelation is a call to fix our eyes on Jesus, our High Priest. His intercession, sacrifice, and compassion are the foundation of our trust and hope in daily life. Through His grace and guidance, we are able to live a life that honors God and reflects His love.
Through Jesus, we have free and bold access to the throne of grace, where we receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need.
Lesson 8.Light from the Sanctuary | 8.3 The Judgment Has Come
8.3 The Judgment Has Come
The Inevitable Judgment: Prepared through Christ
Compare Daniel 7:9–10 with Revelation 14:6–7. What similarity exists between these two passages?
Daniel 7:9-10 and Revelation 14:6-7 share some remarkable similarities, especially in their depiction of judgment scenes and the emphasis on God’s holiness and the importance of worship. Here are the two passages:
Daniel 7:9-10: “9 As I looked, thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze. 10 A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened.”
Revelation 14:6-7: “6 Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people. 7 He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.’”
Judgment Scene:
Both texts describe a scene of judgment. In Daniel 7, the court is opened, and the books are opened, indicating a judicial investigation. In Revelation 14, the angel proclaims that the hour of judgment has come.
Divine Authority:
Daniel 7 emphasizes the authority and holiness of the “Ancient of Days” (a portrayal of God), who sits on a fiery throne to judge. In Revelation 14, God is worshipped as the Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and the springs of water, emphasizing His authority by calling people to fear Him and give Him glory.
Worship and Reverence:
Both passages highlight the worship of God. In Daniel 7, thousands serve before God’s throne, indicating an attitude of worship and service. Revelation 14 calls people to worship God, especially in the context of His impending judgment.
Worldwide Context:
Both texts include a worldwide dimension. Daniel 7 describes a vast assembly before God, including “thousands upon thousands” and “ten thousand times ten thousand.” Revelation 14 speaks of the eternal gospel being proclaimed to all nations, tribes, languages, and peoples.
These parallels show that both passages offer an eschatological perspective on God’s judgment and the importance of worship and reverence before God. They emphasize God’s sovereign authority and His righteous rule over all creation, while urging believers to live in the knowledge of His holiness and power.
Read Revelation 22:10–12. What is the fate of all humanity when Jesus returns? What clear statement was made to John?
Revelation 22:10–12: “10 Then he told me, ‘Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this scroll, because the time is near. 11 Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.’ 12 ‘Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.’”
The fate of all humanity at Jesus’ return: These verses from Revelation emphasize that at Jesus’ return, the fate of all people will be finalized and irreversible. There are four essential statements in these verses that illustrate the fate of humanity at Jesus’ return:
The time is near:
The angel tells John not to seal the words of prophecy because the time is near. This means that the events described in Revelation are imminent, and people must be prepared.
State of humanity:
It is said that people will remain in the state they are in: Those who do wrong will continue to do wrong, those who are vile will continue to be vile, but also: those who do right will continue to do right, and those who are holy will continue to be holy. This means that at the time of Jesus’ return, people’s decisions about their moral and spiritual lives will be final.
Reward by Christ:
Jesus says that He is coming soon and that He brings His reward with Him to repay each person according to their deeds. This implies that there must be a preceding judgment to decide who receives what reward or punishment.
No second chance:
The clear statement is that at Jesus’ return, there will be no second chance for repentance or change of fate. Everyone has had enough time and information to make a final decision for or against Christ.
Clear statement to John: The statement to John is clear and unequivocal: The words of the prophecy should not be sealed because the fulfillment is near. It is emphasized that people will remain in their respective states, whether it be unrighteousness or righteousness, and Jesus will come to reward each person according to their deeds. These passages underscore the urgency and finality of the decisions people make in their lives, highlighting the importance of living a righteous life in anticipation of Jesus’ return.
Read Matthew 25:1–13. Why does Jesus behave so differently towards these two groups of believers?
In this parable, two groups of virgins (the wise and the foolish) are treated differently based on their preparation and expectation regarding the arrival of the bridegroom. This illustrates important spiritual lessons about vigilance, preparation, and the kingdom of God.
Preparation and Vigilance:
The wise virgins are prepared and vigilant. They not only bring their lamps but also extra oil to be prepared for a possible delay of the bridegroom. This symbolizes spiritual readiness and constant vigilance in faith.
The foolish virgins, on the other hand, are unprepared. They bring their lamps but no extra oil. Their lamps run out, and they are unable to meet the bridegroom when he finally arrives. This symbolizes a superficial or inadequate preparation in faith.
The Significance of Oil:
Oil symbolically represents the Holy Spirit, spiritual sustenance, and the inner readiness a Christian needs to remain steadfast and prepared for the return of Christ. The wise virgins have made an effort to maintain their relationship with God and uphold the necessary spiritual sustenance.
The foolish virgins, however, have neglected this preparation. They attempt to get oil at the last minute, revealing their inability to recognize the importance of continuous spiritual preparation.
The Closed Door:
The closed door symbolizes the end of the grace period. Once the bridegroom (Jesus) arrives, there is no further opportunity for repentance or preparation. Those who are ready enter, while the others remain outside. This final separation emphasizes the urgency of being prepared in faith now, rather than waiting until the last minute.
Recognition and Relationship:
Jesus’ statement “I don’t know you!” to the foolish virgins underscores that a superficial or unprepared attitude in faith is insufficient. It’s about having a genuine, deep relationship with Christ. The wise virgins are recognized and accepted because they have nurtured this relationship.
Summary: The parable teaches that genuine believers are characterized by continuous vigilance and preparation. They nurture their relationship with God and live in constant anticipation of His return. This requires spiritual discipline and a conscious decision to grow in faith and prepare for Jesus’ arrival. The differential treatment of the two groups of virgins demonstrates that only those who are truly prepared will participate in the wedding (the kingdom of God).
The Inevitable Judgment and Preparation by Christ are central themes with profound implications for our daily lives and faith. The scriptures and the parable of the ten virgins teach us important lessons about vigilance, preparation, and our behavior as believers.
Vigilance and Spiritual Preparation:
Daniel 7:9-10 and Revelation 14:6-7: These passages remind us that God is the sovereign Judge and that a judgment is impending. Therefore, our daily lives should be characterized by an awareness of this divine reality. We are called to live in constant anticipation and preparation by nurturing our relationship with God and continuously feeding ourselves spiritually.
Matthew 25:1-13: The wise virgins, prepared and vigilant, serve as examples of living in constant readiness. This means not relying solely on outward religious practices but building and maintaining a deep, personal relationship with God.
Responsibility and Faithfulness:
The parable of the ten virgins illustrates that our daily faithfulness and responsible actions are crucial. We should not be negligent or unprepared but strive to live consistently aligned with God’s will and strengthen ourselves spiritually through prayer, study of the Bible, and fellowship with other believers.
Finality of Decisions:
Revelation 22:10-12: These verses emphasize the urgency and finality of our decisions in life. When Christ returns, our fate will be sealed based on the decisions we have made. This means we should view each day as an opportunity to align our lives with God’s will and choose a righteous and holy life.
Faith Assurance and Trust:
We need not fear the judgment because through Christ, we have forgiveness, freedom from guilt, and the power to live a life pleasing to God. This confidence in Christ’s atoning sacrifice and ongoing intercession gives us the assurance that we can stand in the judgment. This certainty should encourage and strengthen us in our daily lives to live in holiness and righteousness.
Witness and Evangelism:
Revelation 14:6-7: The angel proclaiming the eternal gospel reminds us that as believers, we have the responsibility to share the message of God’s judgment and His grace with the world. Therefore, our daily lives should also be characterized by amissionary zeal, preparing others for the imminent return of Christ.
In summary, the connection between the Inevitable Judgment and our everyday life and faith lies in constant readiness, vigilance, and faithfulness in our relationship with God. By nurturing our connection with God, living responsibly and faithfully, recognizing the finality of our decisions, finding assurance in Christ, and actively sharing the gospel, we can lead lives that align with God’s will and prepare ourselves and others for Christ’s return.
Our daily lives should be marked by vigilance and constant preparation for God’s impending judgment, sustained by the assurance that Christ enables us to stand in righteousness and faithfulness.
Source: https://fulfilleddesire.net/lesson-8-light-from-the-sanctuary-8-3-the-judgment-has-come/
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