The Great Controversy – Lesson 4. Standing for the Truth | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 4. Standing for the Truth |
Steadfast in Darkness: Courage, Renewal, and the Radiance of Faith |
Lesson 4 takes us through the dark times of medieval church history, where God’s people remained steadfast despite persecution and challenges. This lesson illuminates the radiance of faith that penetrates even the deepest darkness, showcasing how God gradually revealed light and understanding through chosen servants to lead the world out of darkness. We are inspired by courageous reformers and believers who, despite personal weaknesses and temptations, held firmly to God’s truth and promises.
Memory Text: John 3:14.15 – “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”
4.1 Persecuted Yet Triumphant
Persecution and Victory: God’s People in Prophetic Times
The verses from Daniel 7:23–25 and Revelation 12:6,14 refer to prophetic periods when God’s people were persecuted but remained victorious. These texts depict a time of persecution by the medieval church, symbolized by 1260 days or a time, times, and half a time, equivalent to 1260 years. Despite these challenges, God’s people found refuge and strength in His love and care. This period of persecution began in 538 AD with the expulsion of the Ostrogoths from Rome and ended in 1798 AD with the deposition of the Pope by Napoleon’s General Berthier. Despite severe persecution, Christ’s believers remained victorious through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, holding onto their faith even unto death. Their victory over the powers of darkness was and is ensured through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
4.2 Light Vanquishes the Darkness
The Triumph of Faith over Misconceptions and the Eternal Hope of the Faithful
The epistle of Jude urges Christians to defend the faith against those who pervert God’s grace. This was especially relevant for the medieval church, which often deviated from the pure teachings of the Bible due to the introduction of pagan practices and human traditions. The Waldensians stood as courageous defenders of biblical truth and genuine faith during a time when the church was marked by such deviations. In Revelation 2:10, God promises faithful believers the “crown of life,” an eternal reward for those who remain faithful through trials, sufferings, and even death. This divine comfort has guided generations of believers, including the Waldensians, through difficult times, reminding us that our faith and loyalty are ultimately of eternal significance.
4.3 Courage to Stand
Unyielding Faith in Times of Darkness
Steadfastness in faith, courage in the face of persecution, and unwavering commitment to God’s Word characterized the Waldensians and reformers. Like Peter and the apostles in the Acts of the Apostles, they recognized the need to obey God rather than men. By secretly transcribing and disseminating the Bible within their communities, they preserved the holy scriptures for centuries. Their determination and commitment, despite great danger, shone like the rising morning light, growing brighter until the full day.
4.4 The Morning Star of the Reformation
The Beacon of the Reformation: Passion for God’s Word
Joy in the Word of God and a profound conviction of its truth were at the heart of the Reformation, shared by courageous reformers like Wycliffe. Their passionate dedication to the Holy Scriptures was not only personally uplifting but also a driving force to propagate the Gospel message. Despite persecution and resistance, they became shining examples, changing the world through their unwavering trust in the Holy Scriptures.
4.5 Cheered by Hope
Hope in Darkness: God’s Unshakable Promises
Even in the darkest times and most severe trials, faithful Christians of the Middle Ages found comfort and strength in God’s unshakable promises. They viewed death as defeated and drew hope and joy from their deep communion with Christ. Jan Hus, despite his own sufferings and impending execution, experienced an inner peace possible only through God’s grace. God’s eternal promises serve as an anchor for us today, reminding us of His faithfulness, even in our most challenging moments.
4.6 Summary
Steadfastness and Hope: The Legacy of Faith in Times of Persecution and Darkness
In the fourth lesson, “Standing for Truth,” the history of the faithful people during prophetic times is illuminated, showing their victory despite persecution by the medieval church. The Waldensians and reformers are highlighted as shining examples of unwavering steadfastness in faith. Their passion for God’s Word and deeply rooted hope in God’s unshakable promises guided them through the darkest times. Despite persecutions and personal sufferings, they found comfort and strength in communion with Christ and the eternal assurances of the Gospel.
The Great Controversy – Lesson 3.Light Shines in the Darkness | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 3.Light Shines in the Darkness |
Light in Darkness: Vigilance and Truth in a Changing World |
This lesson illuminates the eternal struggle between truth and deception, faith and doubt. We will delve into the importance of vigilance in faith and the need to defend God’s truth against the challenges of the modern world. Let’s dive deeper into the scriptures together and discover the significance of light in our darkness.
Memory Text: John 12:35 – “Then Jesus said to them, ‘A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.”
3.1 Compromise: Satan’s Subtle Strategy
Recognizing Truth: Jesus and Satan’s Strategies in Light of Scripture
The Bible verses John 14:6 and 8:44 depict a profound contrast between the character of Jesus and that of Satan. While Jesus embodies truth and is recognized as the author of truth, Satan is the father of lies and distorts the truth to deceive people. This contrast underscores the necessity of recognizing God’s truth and safeguarding against Satan’s deceptions. Jesus himself emphasized the importance of the Holy Scriptures by responding to Satan’s attacks with God’s word, as seen in the example of Luke 4:1-13. It’s crucial to understand the truth of the Bible and not be swayed by distortions or false interpretations, as evidenced throughout history by the suppression of the Bible by certain institutions.
3.2 Savage Wolves
Paul’s Urgent Admonition: Vigilance Against Internal and External Threats to the Church
Paul’s warning to the church leaders of Ephesus in Acts 20:27-32 is a urgent call to vigilance. He speaks of “ravenous wolves” threatening the church and warns that false teachers will arise even from within. These prophecies highlight the constant danger of deviations and seductions within the church. In 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12, Paul emphasizes that the “mystery of lawlessness” is already at work, indicating a gradual departure from divine truth. It serves as a reminder for the church to remain vigilant and adhere to the pure doctrine of God’s word, resisting the currents of the time and the temptations of compromising with the truth.
3.3 Safeguarded by the Word
The Unwavering Foundation: Scripture as a Shield Against Deceptions
God’s word serves not only as a light for our paths but also as a shield against the deceptions of evil. It is the foundation of our faith and guides us through life’s complexities. Jesus and Paul emphasize the immense significance of the Holy Scriptures in protecting against errors and deviations from true faith. In a time when many question the authority of the Bible, it’s crucial to uphold its infallibility and see it as divine revelation. Only then can we grasp the fullness of salvation and guard against the tricks and pitfalls of the devil.
3.4 Human Reasoning Apart From Scripture
Divine Orientation in a Confusing World
The human mind is a valuable gift, but without divine guidance through the Holy Spirit and the wisdom of the Holy Scriptures, it can easily go astray. Satan’s deception is to make us believe that our intellect alone is sufficient to discern God’s will. Like a lost hiker in the woods, we need reliable orientation – the Bible – to safely find our way. Only in the light of divine truth can we distinguish between good and evil and discern genuine truth from deception. Therefore, recognizing God’s word as our ultimate source of truth and morality is essential.
3.5 Battle for the Mind
In the Light of the Gospel Against the Darkness of Doubt
The spiritual battle described by Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 illustrates Satan’s strategy to obscure people’s clear view of the Gospel. He uses distractions, temptations, and worldly concerns to cloud people’s perception and deter them from studying God’s word. The light of the Gospel, embodied by Jesus Christ, is the key to enlightenment and overcoming this spiritual darkness. By focusing on Christ and allowing his love and truth to guide us, we can see through Satan’s deceptions and walk in the light of the Gospel. It’s our responsibility to preserve and pass on this light in the darkness.
3.6 Summary
Light in the Eternal Struggle
The lesson “Light Shines in Darkness” emphasizes the eternal struggle between good and evil, with light symbolizing truth, love, and God’s work. Despite Satan’s attempts to blind people with deception and distractions, the true light is revealed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is at the center of this light, offering hope and salvation amidst the world’s darkness. Believers are called to turn to this light, proclaim it, and boldly stand for the truth to overcome darkness.
The Great Controversy – Lesson 2.The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness? | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 2.The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness? |
The Heart of Christianity: Love, Resistance, and Community in the Early Church |
In the second lesson, we delve deeply into the heart of the Christian faith, characterized by love, care, and selflessness. This lesson highlights significant moments in the lives of Jesus and the early Christians who, despite rejection, persecution, and tragedies, left a legacy of love. We will explore the transformative power of love in the lives of believers and its impact on the world around them.
Memory Text: Isaiah 41:10 – “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
2.1 A Brokenhearted Savior
The Broken Heart of Jesus: Love, Warning, and the Tragedy of Jerusalem
The Savior Jesus Christ felt deep pain and sorrow at the rejection and rebellion of his own people, as described in Luke 19:41–44 and Matthew 23:37–38. His broken heart reveals God’s boundless love and mercy, which persist despite human disobedience. The destruction of Jerusalem was a tragic consequence of human decisions, not God’s direct will. Jesus even warned his people about the impending disaster and provided instructions for escape to save as many as possible. Satan uses such tragedies to sow confusion and blame, while God is always striving to offer salvation and rescue.
2.2 Christians Providentially Preserved
God’s Sovereign Guidance: Protection and Preservation of His Church
God’s providence and protection for His church are clearly visible in the events surrounding the destruction of Jerusalem. When the Roman troops unexpectedly withdrew from Jerusalem and the Jewish troops pursued them, the Christians seized the opportunity to flee to Pella. This “promised sign” testifies to God’s guidance and care for His followers. Psalm 46:2 and Isaiah 41:10 emphasize God’s unwavering presence and protection amidst uncertainty and threat. Although Christians often experience persecution and suffering, as described in Hebrews 11:35–38 and Revelation 2:10, God preserves His church and continues His work despite resistance.
2.3 Faithful Amid Persecution
Unwavering Faith and Rapid Growth: Early Christianity Amidst Persecution
Despite intense persecution and threats in the early centuries of Christianity, the church grew rapidly. The Acts of the Apostles shows that the disciples boldly proclaimed the Gospel filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. This faithfulness and unwavering belief led to profound changes and numerous conversions. Even under the harshest conditions and despite resistance from paganism and Roman authorities, the Gospel spread relentlessly. Pliny the Younger’s letter to Emperor Trajan confirms that Christianity was widespread just a few decades after the crucifixion and was perceived as a threat, despite the persecutions and danger to believers.
2.4 Caring for the Community
Active Compassion and Holistic Healing: Authentic Christianity of the Early Church
The early Christian community was characterized not only by its proclamation of the Gospel but also by its active compassion. They lived out Jesus’ example by attending to the needs of people and striving for both physical and spiritual healing. The Acts of the Apostles shows that the community was caring and supportive, sharing with one another and caring for those in need. This authentic Christianity emphasized not only the spiritual but also the practical side of faith, restoring the image of God in humanity and contributing to healing in all areas of life. This holistic approach demonstrates the transformative power of the Gospel and its profound impact on the world.
2.5 A Legacy of Love
Love as the Hallmark of True Christianity: A Legacy of Compassion and Selflessness
The verses from John and the first letter of John emphasize the central importance of love in the Christian faith. They reveal that true Christians are distinguished by their love for one another, posing a direct challenge to Satan’s temptations in the Great Controversy. These verses teach us that genuine Christianity is lived not just in words but primarily in acts of love. Historical accounts of the Christian community in the early centuries confirm this impressively, especially during times of pandemics. Despite the dangers, Christians showed selfless care and served the sick and suffering, deeply impacting those around them and leading many to faith in Jesus. This legacy of love and selflessness remains an inspiring example of Christian action to this day.
2.6 Summary
The Heart of the Christian Faith: Love, Care, and Resistance Against Selfishness
Lesson 2 highlights the core of the Christian faith: unconditional love and care. Despite rejection and tragedy in Jerusalem, Jesus showed deep love and mercy towards people. This love and God’s providence preserved the early Christians in times of persecution and led to rapid growth of the church. Authentic Christianity was characterized by active compassion, both spiritually and physically. Finally, the verses from John emphasize the essential role of love in faith and demonstrate how the Christian community left a profound legacy through their selfless love and care.
The Great Controversy – Lesson 1.The War Behind All Wars | Sabbath School with Pastor Mark Finley
Series THE GREAT CONTROVERSY with Pastor Mark Finley |
Lesson 1.The War Behind All Wars |
The Cosmic Conflict: Origin, Impact, and Hope for Redemption |
In the first lesson, “The War Behind All Wars,” we delve deep into the cosmic conflict between good and evil, which forms the foundation for many of the spiritual and moral questions we face. This original conflict, which began in heaven and impacted earth, shapes our perspective on sin, suffering, and redemption. We will explore the origins of this war and God’s plan to end suffering and sin through the promise of a Redeemer. This lesson offers profound insights into the fundamental principles of faith and the eternal hope made possible through Jesus Christ.
Memory Text: Revelation 12.7.8 – “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.”
1.1 War in Heaven
The Cosmic Conflict: Origin of Evil and Freedom in Heaven
The section “War in Heaven” from Revelation 12:7-9 depicts a cosmic conflict between good and evil. Satan and his angels rebelled against Christ and were expelled from heaven. These events raise questions about the existence of freedom in heaven and the origin of evil. God created Lucifer as a radiant angel with free will. Despite his perfection, Lucifer allowed pride and jealousy to take root in his heart, leading to his rebellion. God could not allow Lucifer’s rebellion to corrupt heaven, and He tried to persuade him to repent through love and mercy.
1.2 Lucifer Deceives; Christ Prevails
The Cosmic Conflict: Choosing Between Light and Darkness
The conflict between Lucifer and Christ demonstrates the power of pride and deception. Lucifer accused God of injustice and deceived many angels with his lies. The war in heaven was both a physical and ideological conflict, ending with Lucifer’s expulsion. Every angel faced the choice of whom to follow: Christ or Satan. This choice reflects the fundamental principle of the Great Controversy, teaching us to use the moral decision-making ability God has given us. As humans, we are called to respond to God’s love and serve Him through our choices.
1.3 Planet Earth Becomes Involved
The Decision at the Tree: Origin of Sin and Suffering
With the creation of the earth, God gave humans the freedom of choice, similar to what He did with Lucifer. He created a perfect world without sin but with the freedom to choose. Through the tree of knowledge, God gave humans the opportunity to prove their loyalty to Him. Satan seized this opportunity to deceive Eve, promising her that she would be like God. Adam and Eve chose against God’s instructions, leading to the introduction of sin, suffering, and death into the world. The scriptures from Genesis 3:1-3 and Romans 3:23; 5:12 emphasize the universal reality of sin and its devastating effects on all humanity. Sin separates us from God and is the cause of suffering and problems in our world.
1.4 Love Finds a Way
Hope Through the Cross: God’s Unconditional Love Manifested
Despite Adam and Eve’s sin, God gave them hope through the promise in Genesis 3:15. This prophecy speaks of a coming Redeemer, the “Seed of the Woman,” who would defeat Satan. Jesus Christ is this promised Redeemer, who won victory over sin and death through His sacrifice on the cross. The Bible verses from Hebrews 2:9; Galatians 3:13; and 2 Corinthians 5:21 emphasize the magnitude and significance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Through the cross, God shows us His immeasurable love and desire to redeem us despite our flaws and sins. Jesus, the Creator of the cosmos, came into the world, suffered, and died for us because He loves us infinitely. The cross is the overwhelming proof of God’s unconditional love, giving us all reason to hope.
1.5 Our High Priest
The High Priest of Our Trust: Jesus’ Intercession and Care
Jesus, our great High Priest, who died and rose again for us, understands our human weaknesses and temptations, as He was tempted in every way, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15-16). Through His sacrificial death and intercession at God’s throne, we are freed from our guilt and the chains of sin. John 17:24-26 shows us Jesus’ deep desire for us to be with Him in heaven. His greatest desire is to save us and support us in our needs and weaknesses. In every situation, Jesus offers comfort, peace, forgiveness, and strength.
1.6 Summary
Cosmic Conflicts and the Path to Redemption
The first lesson, “The War Behind All Wars,” highlights the cosmic conflict between good and evil, which takes place both in heaven and on earth. Lucifer, once a radiant angel, rebelled against God, leading to a war in heaven and his expulsion. On earth, Adam and Eve’s decision to act against God’s instruction introduced sin, suffering, and death. Despite rebellion and sin, God offers hope through the promise of a Redeemer, symbolized by the “Seed of the Woman,” ultimately identified as Jesus Christ. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and His role as our High Priest enable us to receive forgiveness, redemption, and the hope of eternal life in God’s kingdom.
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