(Gal. 6:2-5) Paul connects burden bearing with fulfilling the law of Christ
Read more at the source: Wednesday: The Law of Christ
Closer To Heaven
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(Gal. 6:2-5) Paul connects burden bearing with fulfilling the law of Christ
Read more at the source: Wednesday: The Law of Christ
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Sabbath Afternoon’s introduction story to the lesson study immediately gives us: Hymn 369, “Bringing in the Sheaves” with the thoughts finalising in: “the Spirit leads us to put others before ourselves” and Hymn 262, “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” . The end of Sunday’s study points us to: Hymn 367, “Rescue the Perishing”
Read more at the source: Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 13: The Gospel and the Church
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Let us do good to everyone. Was Paul grinning or was there a tear in his eyes when he wrote these words: “But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!” Galatians 5:15. Have you ever been attacked by a member of your church? Instead of that, have you ever made an innocent suggestion without rancor only to be accused of acting in a belligerent way? If every member in your church sincerely wanted only what is best for every other member, would there be a major difference in your church
Read more at the source: 13: The Gospel and the Church – Discussion Starters
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(Gal. 6:2-5) In addition to restoring the fallen, what other instructions does Paul give to the believers in Galatia? ( Gal. 6:2-5 ; see also Rom. 15:1 , Matt
Read more at the source: Tuesday: Burden Bearing
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“And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man” ( 2 Sam. 12:7 ) . The seriousness of Paul’s words in Galatians 6:1 — to guard our own lives lest we also follow into temptation — should not be overlooked. Image © Lifeway Collection Goodsalt.com An indication of the urgency and personal concern behind Paul’s counsel can be seen in the way he makes his appeal. The word translated “considering” (KJV) or “take care” (NRSV) literally means “to look at carefully” or “to pay careful attention to” (compare Rom.
Read more at the source: Monday: Beware of Temptation