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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"God commissioned two witnesses to personally investigate matters in Sodom, since their judgment would be final and there should be no doubt that it was just (cf. 18:25; Deut 17:6; 19:15; 2 Cor 13:1). Sodom was condemned not only for its sexual immorality and perversion (Jude 7) but also for its arrogance, overindulgence, prosperous ease, and failure to care for the poor and needy (Ezek 16:49-50). By its failure to be hospitable to the strangers who sought refuge there and its sexual perversion manifested toward Lot’s guests, Sodom condemned itself before God’s two witnesses. Lot and his family were instructed by the two angels to flee before they would be caught up in its punishment.The reluctance with which Lot’s family responded to the command to flee shows the dangerous influence of the attractions of one’s surroundings. Are we too careless about the influences with which we surround ourselves? What will be the result? Sodom and Gomorrah became for all time the example of how God will deal with unrepentant wickedness (2 Pet 2:6), and the tragedy of Lot and his family provide a lesson in the hazards of permitting ourselves to be corrupted by the attractions and ways of the world (cf. 1 John 2:15-17)." โค๏ธ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/20Our accounts in other social networks:
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#Genesis #DailyBibleReadingGuide #BelieveHisProphets Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v38A7BgP0cc
Genesis 19 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide ๐
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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"God commissioned two witnesses to personally investigate matters in Sodom, since their judgment would be final and there should be no doubt that it was just (cf. 18:25; Deut 17:6; 19:15; 2 Cor 13:1). Sodom was condemned not only for its sexual immorality and perversion (Jude 7) but also for its arrogance, overindulgence, prosperous ease, and failure to care for the poor and needy (Ezek 16:49-50). By its failure to be hospitable to the strangers who sought refuge there and its sexual perversion manifested toward Lot’s guests, Sodom condemned itself before God’s two witnesses. Lot and his family were instructed by the two angels to flee before they would be caught up in its punishment. The reluctance with which Lot’s family responded to the command to flee shows the dangerous influence of the attractions of one’s surroundings. Are we too careless about the influences with which we surround ourselves? What will be the result? Sodom and Gomorrah became for all time the example of how God will deal with unrepentant wickedness (2 Pet 2:6), and the tragedy of Lot and his family provide a lesson in the hazards of permitting ourselves to be corrupted by the attractions and ways of the world (cf. 1 John 2:15-17)." โค๏ธ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/19 Our accounts in other social networks:
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Genesis 18 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide ๐
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Commentary by Edwin Reynolds:
"God knew what was going on down in the Jordan valley, where Lot had moved his family. And He had come down to personally investigate the matter. An outcry had gone up from some in Sodom and Gomorrah against the “very grave” sins and injustices taking place there. But God knew that Abraham was praying for his family members now living in Sodom, and He came down to share with Abraham what He planned to do (v. 17). He explained that it was important to communicate with Abraham, for His purpose was to develop a relationship with him, that he would command his household to keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice (v. 19). God was teaching Abraham about His righteousness and justice, and this would be a prime object lesson. As Abraham interceded with God, he showed his understanding of God’s righteousness and justice by saying, “Far be it from You to do such a thing as this, to slay the righteous with the wicked! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
Abraham knew about God's mercy and justice. Do we understand it?" โค๏ธ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/18 Our accounts in other social networks:
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Christian Service, ch. 2 | Believe His Prophets | Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading Guide ๐
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Commented by Cindy Tutsch:
"Ellen White's empowerment of youth for evangelism and service in this chapter thrills my soul! I have been in youth ministry for all of my career, serving in various capacities such as conference youth director, developing strategies and resources to help youth understand the value of Ellen White's messages, directing student literature evangelism programs, teaching religion classes and serivng as youth pastor. In these ministries, I have discovered that many times our youth are overentertained and underchallenged. This chapter helps us understand the sacred responsibilities God would have us give to youth today. However, to succeed in spiritual leadership, our youth need careful training, mentoring, and discipling. We must provide opportunities for youth to serve, invite them individually to accept leadership challenges, affirm them in their abilities, and then carefully, patiently teach them how to carry out responsibilties. This calls for time, effort, patience, tenacity, and love on the part of parents, teachers, and church leaders. Youth and young adults today are distracted by a world headed for perdition and a devil eager to offer them glittering temptations. It is imperative that we show a much greater interest in the youth of our churches than we have in the past. The Lord will grant us the strength, compassion, and skill to work with the youth in response to our earnest prayers of faith." Cindy Tutsch
Associate Director, Ellen G. White Estate (retired) โค๏ธ Jump to Weekly Spirit of Prophecy Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/sop/chs/2 Our accounts in other social networks:
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Genesis 17 | Believe His Prophets | Daily Bible Reading Guide ๐
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Commentary by Kathlyn Mayer:
"While Abram doubted God’s promise, God continued reminding him of His covenant. God changed Abram’s name to Abraham to reflect how God saw he would become—“a father of many nations.” Sarai’s name was changed to Sarah, reflecting her future as well. God wanted their names, their very identity, to be wrapped up in His miraculous promise. God sees us as who we will become even when we cannot see it ourselves. It is in this intimate moment of reassurance that God gives Abraham instructions for fulfilling his side of the covenant. Through the physically altering commitment of circumcision, each male descendant and household member would bear the mark of the promise. Abraham didn’t question this command. Instead, he expressed doubt Sarah would conceive. Abraham couldn’t fathom the fulfillment of God’s promise, and presented his own offering, asking for that to be enough. While God graciously blessed Ishmael, He made it very clear the covenant was meant for Sarah’s future son, Isaac. God maintained that he could do the impossible. We too often struggle to accept God’s far-reaching promises, and while God will bring something out of our mistakes, He never forgets the original promise He made." โค๏ธ Jump to Daily Bible Reading https://www.revivalandreformation.org/bhp/en/bible/gen/17 Our accounts in other social networks:
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