The contrast was striking. Just a short time before, descriptive words such as possessed, wild, untamed were used to describe the Demoniac of the Gadara
Read more at the source: Life in the Early Church – Hit the Mark
Closer To Heaven
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The contrast was striking. Just a short time before, descriptive words such as possessed, wild, untamed were used to describe the Demoniac of the Gadara
Read more at the source: Life in the Early Church – Hit the Mark
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If the apostles could be used to bring God’s judgment on sin, as in Ananias and Sapphira’s case, they could also be used to bring God’s grace on sinners. Their powerful healing ministry ( Acts 5:12-16 ) was tangible evidence that God’s Spirit was working through them. That even Peter’s shadow, it was believed, could heal people is striking
Read more at the source: Thursday: The Second Arrest
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You can view an in-depth discussion of “Life in the Early Church” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below. Hope Sabbath School You can download the video , the MP3 audio , and the lesson outline from the HopeTV Sabbath School Site. You might also want to bookmark the HopeSS YouTube Channel. Click Here to Watch.
Read more at the source: HopeSS: Life in the Early Church
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The pooling of goods in the early church was not compulsory; that is, it was not a formal condition of membership. Yet, there certainly were several examples of voluntary generosity that inspired the whole community. One such example was Barnabas ( Acts 4:36-37 ) , who will play an important role later in the book.
Read more at the source: Wednesday: Ananias and Sapphira
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It was not long until the church’s success aroused opposition from some Jerusalem leaders.
Read more at the source: Tuesday: The Rise of Opposition