Key Thought: Peter wrote about five areas of theology : 1. James sacrifice for our salvation 2. Godly conduct 3. The hope of Christ’s soon return 4.
Read more at the source: Major Themes in Peter – Teaching Plan
Closer To Heaven
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Key Thought: Peter wrote about five areas of theology : 1. James sacrifice for our salvation 2. Godly conduct 3. The hope of Christ’s soon return 4.
Read more at the source: Major Themes in Peter – Teaching Plan
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You can view an in-depth discussion of “Major Themes in 1st and 2nd Peter” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below.
Read more at the source: HopeSS: Major Themes in 1st and 2nd Peter
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Read the following passages. What do they say about the Bible that could help us to understand today what its role should be in our lives and faith? 1 Pet.
Read more at the source: Thursday: The Primacy of Scripture
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Occasionally, at church or the Adventist school where I teach Bible and evangelism, someone will ask me, “What do we believe about such and such?” My response has always been, “I don’t know what you believe, but here is what I, and many Seventh-day Adventists believe,” and I show them in the Bible what I believe and why. I am not going to tell someone what they believe. That is not teaching. It is brainwashing. During the Dark Ages, when people did not have access to the Bible, people trusted their priests to tell them what they believed, and because of that there was a lot of brainwashing going on. Even before the Dark Ages, priests abused their authority, and tried to brainwash people into believing whatever they believed
Read more at the source: God’s Word is our Authority
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Read the following passages. What does Peter say in these texts about the importance of both government and church leadership, and how Christians should respond to both? How should his words be applied to our situations today, regardless of where we live
Read more at the source: Wednesday: Order in Society and in the Church