The road to faith. Does your faith ever falter when you face hard times?
Read more at the source: 7: The Road to Faith – Discussion starters
Closer To Heaven
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The road to faith. Does your faith ever falter when you face hard times?
Read more at the source: 7: The Road to Faith – Discussion starters
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The introduction to our lesson study this week shows us just how easy it can be to become lost, but Hymn 373, “Seeking the Lost’ adds to the encouragement the Bible gives us, as does Hymn 108, “Amazing Grace” . Sunday’s thoughts give us the Hymn 518, “Standing on the Promises” and with this hymn we find God’s promise(s) in Hymn 277, “For You Holy Book We Thank You” and Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”. Faith is in the forefront of the study on Monday, and as with last week’s notations in Singing With Inspiration, there are many hymns about keeping the faith: Hymn 533, “O for a Faith” Hymn 517, “ My Faith Looks Up to Thee” Hymn 523, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” Hymn 100, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” Hymn 304, “Faith of Our Father” Hymn 602, “O Brother, Be Faithful” Hymn 608, “Faith Is the Victory” May we all thank the Lord Jesus for His unselfish giving so we can sing Hymn 412, “Cover With His Life” .
Read more at the source: Singing with Inspiration – 7: The Road to Faith
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You can view an in-depth discussion of “The Road to Faith” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below
Read more at the source: HopeSS: The Road to Faith
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In Galatians 3:23 , Paul describes the law as a guarding and protecting force. To what does he liken it in verse 24, and what does that mean?
Read more at the source: Wednesday: The Law as Our Schoolmaster
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Paul gives two basic conclusions about the law: (1) the law does not nullify or abolish God’s promise made to Abraham ( Gal. 3:15-20 ) ; (2) the law is not opposed to the promise ( Gal. 3:21-22 )
Read more at the source: Tuesday: The Law as Our “Guard”