Key Thought: Soul was zealous against the church, but was transformed to develop a strong ministry to the Gentiles.. Lesson 1, July 1, 2017 1. Have a volunteer read Acts 6:11-14.
Read more at the source: Apostle to the Gentiles – lessonn Plan
Closer To Heaven
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Key Thought: Soul was zealous against the church, but was transformed to develop a strong ministry to the Gentiles.. Lesson 1, July 1, 2017 1. Have a volunteer read Acts 6:11-14.
Read more at the source: Apostle to the Gentiles – lessonn Plan
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Key Thought: Soul was zealous against the church, but was transformed to develop a strong ministry to the Gentiles.. Lesson 1, July 1, 2017 1. Have a volunteer read Acts 6:11-14.
Read more at the source: Apostle to the Gentiles – Lesson Plan
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Further Thought: For the relationship between personal conversion and the church, read Ellen G. White, “Individual Independence”, pp. 430-434, in Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3 .
Read more at the source: Friday: Further Thought – Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles
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Image © Jeff Preston from One day, while I was studying the Gospel Presenation with a retired couple, we read this verse. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 NKJV The husband had been raised Catholic, and while many of my Catholic friends understand grace, he told me, when we read that passage, that it was the first he had ever heard of us being saved by grace alone, without any works. That moment was an ephiphany for him, just like when Luther read, “The Just shall live by faith” in the Bible chained to the dungeon wall. During our studies I learned the retired gentleman wanted victory over alcohol.
Read more at the source: Luther’s Understanding of Grace
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You can view an in-depth discussion of “Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles” in the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris. (Adobe Flash Player version.) A Youtube version of this week’s lesson at Hope Sabbath School is below.
Read more at the source: HopeSS: Paul – Apostle to the Gentiles