The Great Controversy Chapter 30: Enmity Between Man and Satan | Pastor Ted Wilson
Join Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and his wife Nancy, as they dive into chapter 30 of The Great Controversy by Ellen White.
In this episode, the Wilsons highlight the eternal battle between good and evil as they discuss the origins of sin and the promise of redemption. Discover why this cosmic conflict is more relevant than ever and how you can find hope amidst the chaos.
To learn more about the enmity between man and Satan, read The Great Controversy by Ellen White at and join us next week for more.
Adventist News Network – June 14, 2024: ADRA responds to global crises & More Global News
Adventist News Network – June 14, 2024: ADRA responds to global crises & More Global News |
This week on ANN: |
· ADRA swiftly responds to global crises, relieving famine-stricken Zambia and aiding volcano victims in Indonesia.
· Canadian volunteers lend a hand in constructing a sanatorium in the Peruvian jungle.
· Meanwhile, Adventist World Radio’s 360 Health campaign transforms ten thousand lives in Papua New Guinea.
· Stay tuned as ANN brings everything you have to know about what is happening in the church around the world.
Lesson 11.The Impending Conflict | 11.6 Summary
11.6 Summary
Preparation for the End-Time Conflict: Identification and Steadfastness
Lesson 11 focuses on the Book of Revelation, specifically chapters 13 and 14. Here is a summary of the key points:
The Beast from the Sea (Revelation 13:1-10):
The first beast is interpreted as a symbol of a political power that rises from the sea and receives authority from the dragon (Satan).
The period of 42 months given to the beast symbolically represents 1260 literal years.
Historically, the beast is associated with the Papacy, which held great political power from 538 AD to 1798 AD.
Although the Papacy was weakened by political and military events, it is prophesied that its authority will be restored and recognized by the entire world.
The Beast from the Earth (Revelation 13:11-18):
The second beast is described as a power that rises from the earth and collaborates with the first beast.
It is often associated with the United States of America, which emerged around 1798 and embodies the principles of political and religious freedom.
Although initially gentle and lamb-like, the second beast ultimately speaks like a dragon, indicating it departs from its original principles and becomes a source of oppression.
The Three Angels’ Messages (Revelation 14:6-12):
Amid these emerging conflicts, the three angels proclaim a warning to the world.
The first angel announces the “eternal gospel,” calling people to fear God, give Him glory, and worship Him as the judgment approaches.
The second angel announces the fall of Babylon, symbolizing a religious system that has deviated from the truth.
The third angel warns against receiving the mark of the beast, urging people to hold fast to God and keep His commandments.
The Mark of the Beast and the Warning Against Worship (Revelation 14:9-12):
There is a warning about the consequences of accepting the mark of the beast or worshipping its image.
Those who accept the mark will face God’s wrath, while those who remain faithful to God will receive His seal and be saved.
In summary, Lesson 11 deals with the impending conflicts and resulting events as described in Revelation. It emphasizes the importance of holding fast to the principles of faith and truth, even in the face of political and social opposition.
Lesson 11 “The Coming Conflict” and the study of Revelation concerning the Beast from the Sea, the Beast from the Earth, and the Three Angels’ Messages have direct connections to our daily lives and faith:
Vigilance and Awareness:
The prophecies in Revelation remind us to be vigilant and carefully observe developments in our world, especially regarding political and religious institutions. It is important to recognize the signs of the times and understand their impact on our faith.
Steadfastness in Faith and Values:
Revelation warns against the temptation to accept the mark of the beast and follow false teachings. It encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith and moral values, even if it means going against the mainstream. This steadfastness is crucial in our daily lives as we face challenges, temptations, and contradictions.
Reflection on Our Beliefs and Actions:
The lesson encourages us to regularly reflect on and examine our beliefs and actions to ensure they align with the principles of faith and truth. It is important to be honest with ourselves and avoid the temptation to abandon principles that are important to us.
Active Participation in Faith and Community:
The Three Angels’ Messages remind us to proclaim the “eternal gospel” and actively participate in faith and community. It is a call to spread the gospel and encourage others to turn to God and keep His commandments.
Trust in God and Hope for Salvation:
Amid the conflicts and challenges presented in Revelation, there is a message of hope and trust in God. Those who hold fast to God and keep His commandments will receive God’s seal and be saved. This hope and trust can provide us with strength and comfort in our daily lives as we face difficulties.
Overall, Lesson 11 offers an important reminder of how we can live out our faith in everyday life by remaining steadfast, actively participating in faith, and trusting in God while recognizing the signs of the times and preparing for the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.
True worship springs from a mind taught by God’s Word, a soul transformed by His love, and a heart filled with His Spirit—this is our only safety!
1.How can we live in anticipation of Christ’s return and share this hope without becoming alarmists?
Living in anticipation of Christ’s return and sharing this hope requires a balanced and prudent approach. Here are some steps that can help:
Deep Personal Anchoring in Faith: A strong faith and a deep personal relationship with Christ are crucial for living and sharing the hope of His return. Regular prayer, Bible study, and spiritual fellowship can help us rely on God’s promises and gain inner peace and assurance, protecting us from excessive worry.
Gracious and Loving Attitude: Instead of spreading fear and panic, we should act with a gracious and loving attitude. Our hope in Christ’s return should be evident through kindness, compassion, and care for others. By offering hope and comfort, we demonstrate the reality and peace that faith in Christ brings to our lives.
Commitment to Justice and Charity: We can live the hope of Christ’s return by actively working for justice and charity. By addressing the needs of others and advocating for social justice, we advance God’s kingdom on earth. Our actions should testify to God’s love and mercy, which will be fully realized in Christ’s return.
Responsible Preparation: It is important to be responsibly prepared for Christ’s return without panicking. This means taking practical steps to be spiritually, physically, and emotionally ready. This includes regular prayer and Bible study, as well as taking care of our physical health and our family’s needs. Responsible preparation also involves living faithfully in the present and doing good while waiting for Christ to return.
Clear Communication: When sharing our hope for Christ’s return, it is important to communicate clearly and understandably without excessive alarmism. We should convey the biblical teachings about Christ’s return in a way that offers hope, comfort, and encouragement instead of spreading fear and panic. By emphasizing God’s promises and the importance of a firm hope in Christ, we can encourage others to prepare for Christ’s return as well.
By living in anticipation of Christ’s return and sharing this hope without becoming alarmists, we can live our faith in a way that offers hope and comfort in an uncertain world. Our attitudes and actions should testify to the transformative power of the gospel and help others recognize the importance of a firm hope in Christ.
2.Engage More Deeply with the Question of Worship. What do our daily lives and routines reveal about whom or what we worship?
Our daily routines often provide insight into whom or what we ultimately worship. Worship is not limited to religious actions or formal worship services but is expressed through all our actions, thoughts, and priorities. Here are some aspects of our daily lives that can indicate whom or what we worship:
Use of Time: How do we spend our time? What captures our attention? If we devote a significant portion of our time and energy to worldly pleasures, material possessions, or personal success, these things might have become idols in our lives, receiving our worship.
Thoughts and Concerns: What do we think about and worry about? If our thoughts constantly revolve around earthly matters such as career, financial security, or worldly pleasures, these things might represent our true worship.
Priorities: What do we value most in our lives? What comes first for us? If material things, pleasures, or self-fulfillment are our highest priorities, they might have become idols that dictate our worship.
Decisions and Actions: How do we make decisions and what actions guide our lives? If our decisions and actions are driven by selfish motives, greed, or the pursuit of power and fame, these things might be our true objects of worship.
Community and Relationships: Who do we spend our time with and whom do we admire or revere? Our closest relationships and the people we look up to can indicate who or what is worshiped in our lives.
Emotional Reactions: What brings us the most joy? What causes us fear, anger, or jealousy? Our emotional reactions to various events and circumstances can reveal what we value and worship most in our lives.
Reflecting deeply on the question of worship involves critically examining our daily routines and lives to determine what truly stands at the center of our devotion. By reconsidering our priorities and ensuring that God is first in our lives, we can ensure that our worship is rightly directed towards Him alone.
3.How Can We Help Ourselves and Others Face the Future with Confidence Rather Than Fear?
To face the future with confidence instead of fear, we can take various steps to maintain a positive and hopeful outlook on life. Here are some ways to help ourselves and others:
Trust in God’s Promises: Relying on God’s promises allows us to have confidence in the future. The Bible is full of promises that provide security and hope. By holding onto God’s assurances and remembering His faithfulness, we can strengthen our faith and overcome the fear of the future.
Prayer and Spiritual Practice: Prayer is a powerful tool to overcome our fears and gain confidence. Through regular prayer and spiritual practice, we can bring our worries before God and feel His presence in our lives. Reading the Bible, meditation, and worship are also important practices that can help us strengthen our hope and dispel our fears.
Cultivate Positive Thinking: Our thoughts strongly influence our feelings and behaviors. By cultivating positive thinking patterns and focusing on the good and hopeful aspects of our lives, we can develop an optimistic attitude toward the future. Practicing gratitude and counting our blessings can help us shift our perspective and focus on the positive.
Seek Community and Support: In times of uncertainty and fear, it’s important to seek support from family, friends, and faith communities. Community provides not only emotional support but also a source of encouragement and strength. By sharing experiences and hope, we can encourage and uplift one another.
Conscious Self-Care: Treating ourselves with kindness and paying attention to our health and well-being is crucial for facing the future with confidence. This includes taking care of our body, mind, and soul by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and finding time for relaxation and recovery.
Live in the Present: Instead of being overwhelmed by worries about the future, it’s important to live in the here and now and appreciate the present. By focusing on making the best of each day and enjoying the small joys of life, we can maintain a positive and hopeful attitude.
By implementing these steps and supporting one another, we can approach the future with confidence and trust, overcoming the fear of the unknown.
4.What Practical Difference Does Understanding End-Time Events Make in Our Lives Today?
Understanding end-time events can make a practical difference in our lives today by influencing our perspectives, priorities, and actions. Here are some practical impacts of understanding the end times:
Perspective Shift: Understanding end-time events can change our perspective on life. By recognizing that this world is not our final home and that Jesus Christ will return to establish His kingdom, we can realign our priorities. We are encouraged to not only focus on the transience of this world but also to prepare for eternity.
Spiritual Preparation: Knowledge of end-time events can motivate us to prepare spiritually. We understand that we live in a time of spiritual testing and challenge, and it’s important to be spiritually vigilant and remain faithful. This can mean regularly investing in prayer and Bible study, deepening our relationship with God, and preparing for the return of Jesus Christ.
Ethics and Morality: Understanding the end times can also influence our ethical and moral decisions. Recognizing that we live in a time marked by spiritual conflict and moral confusion, we are encouraged to hold fast to our Christian values and lead a life of holiness and integrity. We understand that our decisions and actions can impact our eternal destiny.
Evangelism and Mission Work: Knowledge of end-time events can also strengthen our motivation for evangelism and mission work. Realizing that time is short and that Jesus Christ will return soon, we are inspired to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and invite people to repentance and salvation. We understand that it is our responsibility to share the good news of the hope found in Jesus Christ with others.
Hope and Comfort: Finally, understanding the end times can bring us hope and comfort amid difficulties and trials. Knowing that Jesus Christ will return to wipe away all tears and end all pain gives us confidence in the midst of suffering and challenges. We understand that our suffering is temporary and that an eternal glory awaits us if we remain in Jesus Christ.
Overall, understanding end-time events makes a practical difference in our lives by changing our perspective on life, preparing us spiritually, influencing our ethical decisions, strengthening our motivation for evangelism, and bringing us hope and comfort amid difficulties.
Lesson 11.The Impending Conflict | 11.5 The Beast from the Earth
11.5 The Beast from the Earth
The Second Beast: The USA and Its Prophetic Significance
Read Revelation 13:11–18. How does this second beast differ from the first beast in Revelation 13?
Differences between the first and second beasts in Revelation 13:
First Beast: Comes from the sea (Rev 13:1).
Second Beast: Comes from the earth (Rev 13:11).
Symbolism of Origin:
Sea: Symbolizes peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (Rev 17:15) – a densely populated region.
Earth: Symbolizes a sparsely populated part of the world.
Time of Appearance:
First Beast: Exercises its power during the prophetic timespan of 1260 years (538 AD to 1798 AD).
Second Beast: Appears around 1798, towards the end of the first beast’s power period.
Appearance and Symbolism:
First Beast: Has ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on the horns and blasphemous names on the heads (Rev 13:1).
Second Beast: Has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon (Rev 13:11).
Type of Government:
First Beast: The crowns on the horns suggest monarchical or authoritarian power.
Second Beast: Lacks crowns on its horns, indicating a republican or democratic form of government. The two horns symbolize the principles of political and religious freedom.
The United States in the Prophetic Interpretation:
The description of the second beast fits the United States of America:
Time of Appearance: The USA declared independence in 1776, adopted its Constitution in 1789, and emerged as a world power by the late 19th century.
Government Principles: The two horns symbolize the political and religious freedoms fundamental to the USA.
Promise of Freedom and Reality: The beast has horns like a lamb (symbol of freedom and peace) but speaks like a dragon (symbol of oppression and deception), indicating the contrast between its ideals and actual policies.
Read Revelation 13:11–12. What change do you see in this beast, and how does it speak?
In Revelation 13:11–12, we see a remarkable change in this second beast:
Initial Description: It is described as having two horns like a lamb, indicating a gentle, peaceful nature.
Change: It eventually speaks like a dragon, suggesting that this initially peaceful and lamb-like land becomes a source of oppression and evil.
Exercise of Power: It “exercises all the authority of the first beast” and abandons its principles of religious freedom. As a result, it causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast (Revelation 13:12).
The prophecy about the second beast in Revelation 13:11–12 has significant implications for our daily lives and faith:
Change of the Second Beast:
Initially, the second beast is described as gentle and lamb-like, indicating a peaceful and benevolent nature.
Over time, it changes its way of speaking and ultimately speaks like a dragon. This suggests that this initially peaceful country eventually becomes a source of oppression and evil.
It “exercises all the authority of the first beast” and abandons its principles of religious freedom, leading to the worship of the first beast (Revelation 13:12).
Connection with Our Daily Lives and Faith:
The change of the second beast in Revelation 13:11–12 reminds us that even seemingly benevolent institutions or powers can abandon their original principles and transform into something that goes against the values of faith and freedom. This understanding has direct implications for our daily lives and faith:
Vigilance: We should be vigilant and critically observe the changes in our society as well as in political and religious institutions to ensure they remain true to the values of faith and freedom.
Faith and Action: Our faith principles should guide us to actively stand up for justice, freedom, and the protection of human rights, even if it means going against the mainstream.
Reflection and Examination: It is important to regularly reflect on and examine our own beliefs and actions to ensure we remain true to our values and do not succumb to the temptation of abandoning the principles that are important to us.
The prophecy reminds us that even amid political instability and change, faith in our core values and principles can enable us to remain steadfast and stand up for what is right.
Be vigilant about changes, even in seemingly peaceful and benevolent institutions, as they can ultimately lead to oppression and loss of freedom.
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