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Closer To Heaven
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Read more at the source: In Colombia, Adventists Distributes 400 New Bicycles to Needy Families
Article excerpt posted on from Adventist Review Updates.
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So this is Christmas–the day everyone’s been hollering about; scurrying around and shopping for; putting up decorations and spending their last ounce of energy for! This it the day that some thought would never come–and others wished never would; the day that some sleep in on, eat plates filled with food on, and stuff garbage bags full of colored paper on!
What is Christmas for? Is it for the kids? The merchants? The religious people? The party-goers? Who knows?
Before Bethlehem, what did the world do on December 25? What did they do without shopping malls, candy canes and chestnuts? What did they do before the First Noel–before Scrooge and the little elves? Before Santa Clause?
Before Mary fell writhing in pain onto a pile of hay in a dark stable corner–shaking and shuttering as new life squeezed through her loins, were there any silent nights? Did Christmas really start with blood and tears? With the smell of fresh dung? With a sense of disappointment and fear? With uncertainty? Did Joseph and Mary know it was Christmas?
How did we get from there to here? Who added the lights and tinsel? The, dashing through the snow? Perhaps we’ll never know. But one thing we do know is that everyone knows about shopping and spending money. At least they know about the Christmas they’ve been shown.
For me, the only Christmas that matters is the one we often forget. We may not call it Christmas, but it is that seed of hope that’s nestled next to despair–when your best friend dies; when life turns sour; when worries blot out the sun; when you’ve just learned that you have six months to live; when hope bleeds all over the floor and you feel like the dung in the stable–it’s then that you’re ready to believe and wonder! It is then that the baby, the blood and the star make the most sense!
This is Christmas!
Read more at the source: This is Christmas
Article excerpt posted on from Spiritual applications.
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I remember the first time I saw her. It was 49 years ago, and we were in the college cafeteria just after semester break. She was a new face on campus and being not “socially attached” to anyone at the time, I immediately began to plot how best to impress her and get a date.
I determined this venture was worth spending some of my hard-earned cash on; so, throwing caution to the wind, I purchased two tickets to a Victor Borge concert at Constitution Hall. Since the concert was sold out, I was offered provisional seats on the stage itself just inches from the maestro. The cost was exorbitant, but this only served to convince me that this would surely make the hoped-for-impression.
It must have done the trick. That young lady and I are still dating each other. We’ve also been married for 47 years.
Dating is exhilarating. Everyday is new and exciting; feet walk on clouds, hearts skip beats, life looks beautiful through those rose-tinted glasses. Is that normal? Absolutely! Is it wrong? I hope not. Dating is, in fact, part of our Great Physician’s plan. He fully intended that His children grow up, mature, and seek companionship. “It is not good that the man should be alone,” He told Adam in Genesis 2:18, KJV.
We’re attracted to other people by many things. It could be as whimsical as a smile, or as basic as a feeling of security. But the final selection process—the process that ends with a nervous “I do” uttered before witnesses—must be carried out using issues far deeper than looks and feelings.
Dating is a time for discovering which is the right person for you. It’s a time to get to know what makes us tick; what we like and don’t like; how we spend money; what we believe in; what our habits are.
Dating is a grand experiment, and that may be as far as some couples want to go. But the man and woman who desire to deepen their relationship must make a commitment. They become more and more exclusive until, finally, they pledge to love, honor, and cherish “until death do us part.”
There is Someone who loves you very much. This person has had His eye on you ever since you were born, and He wants to be first in your life. I wonder if we are as fair with Him as we are with one another. In short, are you committed to God, or are you just “dating” Him?
Are you window shopping—looking here and there for someone who will bring you the most benefits? If God promised to make you rich, beautiful, or famous, would you attend church more often?
Is God your blind date—the stranger you hardly know yet who you expect to meet all your specifications? Is He on your heart’s short list only when you can’t find anyone else?
Are you trying to double-date with God? Instead of making Him first in your life, do you expect Him to share time with your career or many social engagements?
Maybe you think you can “go Dutch” with your Creator—He takes care of His obligations, you take care of yours. That way, you won’t be “beholding” to Him for anything.
Perhaps you consider yourself “going steady” with God, but not willing to move up to the next level—being totally committed to Him “until death do us part.”
The ultimate cad in the dating scene is the two-timer—one who pretends to be committed to you while maintaining developing friendships on the side. Have you ever said Yes to God, then returned to your old way of life?
The Bible says that our Great Physician is a “jealous” God (Exodus 34:14). That means He has chosen you, and He doesn’t want anything or anybody to take you away. Like any serious suitor, He longs to spend time with you because He has invested everything He owns in your relationship. He has paid every bill, including your ticket to heaven. No, He’s not trying to impress you or make Himself look good. He’s simply saying, “I have loved you with an everlasting love;I have drawn you with loving-kindness (Jeremiah 31:3).
How could anyone resist a love like that?
Read more at the source: Window Shopping
Article excerpt posted on from Spiritual applications.
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This video is about Sabbath Sofa
Read more at the source: Happy Christmas
Article excerpt posted on from Vili Costescu.